Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Women Saints who inspired Chavarayachan, especially St.Mary of Egypt.

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Reading the spiritual writings of Bl.Chavara is a feast to my spirit. What surprises me is the fact that such holy souls are so aware of the sin factor in their beings, while ordinary people like me take life for granted!Bl.Chavara is a person who could be so confident at his death bed, so as to proclaim that he never allowed his baptized soul to get profane! I used to wonder....., until recently, when I sat down to read one of his spiritual writings, 'Dhyana Sallapam'. His Malayalam is slightly difficult since the language of 19th century is  a bit different from that of the modern Malayalam. Still, the flow of his passionate penitence makes such difficulties irrelevant.
What fascinated me is the way he has made some women saints to keep him company so as to help him meander through the road to holiness. First and foremost, he has got Virgin Mary whose maternal protection he had started enjoying even from his days of infancy. Then he has, as his second spiritual Mother, none else but the great St.Terese of Avila herself.
This much , I can digest. But next comes three women saints , whom he calls as his "special patron saints of penitence"!  They are two Marys - Mary Magdalene and Mary of Egypt- and St. Margaret of Cortona. Very very strange indeed. These two  'Marys' are so unlike the Virgin Mary, who was Immaculately pure even from the moment of conception. The Mary of Magdalene as anyone knows was a sinful woman, and the Egyptian Mary was a greater harlot ! And Margaret of Cortona too almost falls in line with them. But what makes them "saints" is the way they made their U-turn, the moment they encountered Christ. They lived their lives in unimaginable penance ever since - in voluntary penance and physical suffering!
St. Gertrude relates that St. Mary Magdalen said to St. Mechtilde: "Whosoever shall give God thanks for all the tears I shed upon the feet of Jesus, our most, merciful God will grant him, through my intercession, remission of all his sins before his death, and a great increase of love to God."( )There is a legend which says that she spent the last thirty years in France devoting herself to solitary penance for the sins of her past life.In art pieces she is usually shown in a desert or rocky landscape, sometimes with a cave, and with a skull or a crucifix.Some paintings show her as a very thin woman due to her austere living by fasting.
The story of Mary of Egypt too has some similarity.This Mary lived her life of harlotry not for the sake of money , but out of  sheer lust .( In her 'Vita', she tells St. Zosimas that it was "her insatiable desire.")One day, she got attracted to a swarm of pilgrims going to Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. She joined them, again out of her impure passion for gratifying the flesh.
But at Jerusalem a strange event occurred that changed her whole life style.As she joined her companions to enter the Church , she was stopped by a mysterious force at the threshold and try as much as she could, she could not enter!!!As she watched the others flowing into the church , she had her moment of epiphany, the moment of her self-realization. She , for the first time in her life was shocked to realize her own sinfulness that held her in shackles at the door of the Church, where her Saviour was crucified.With all her might, this repentant sinner turned to the image of the Theotokos, the Mother of God, the Refuge of sinners!Then, when she turned around towards the door, she could enter the Church with an ease which surprised her. She says in her Vita ( ie. Biography):
"A great terror and stupor came over me, and I trembled all over, but when I came to the door which until then had been closed to me, it was as if all the force that had previously prevented me from entering now allowed me to go in. So I was admitted without hindrance, and went into the holy of holies and I was found worthy to worship the mystery of the precious and life-giving Wood of the Cross. Thus, I understood the promises of God and realized how God receives those who repent."( qt. from she came out to thank the Image of the Virgin, she heard the Voice asking her to cross River Jordan and that she would find rest there. She did so. After receiving her Baptism and the Holy Eucharist at the Church at the bank of River Jordan,  she crossed Jordan with three loaves of bread as her sole possession , and went to live her New Life as the model of all penitents in the lonely desert.

A beautiful story indeed. And this story is made more beautiful in art, especially in the iconic paintings of 6th century onwards. A very interesting link I found in the net, where a Vita Icon of Aegypta Maria is described.Don't miss it. Click:
Something else that I found interesting is the fact that she is mentioned by Ben Jonson in 'Volpone ', a text I studied during my   B.A days, years ago!Refer:
I quote: 
"In Ben Jonson's play Volpone (1606) one of the characters uses the expression "Marry Gip". Commentators have taken this to mean "Mary of Egypt".

Monday, December 20, 2010

Beautiful prayers to Chavarayachan by Carmelites of Mary Immaculate

Feast of Bl. Chavara.
Feast of Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara Starts on 26th Dec. and ends on Jan. 3rd.
Canonization of Bl. Chavara.
Pray ardently for the Canonization of Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

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O Blessed Father Chavara, we thank you for having given us a splendid model of Christian discipleship through your life and teachings. You were filled with the zeal of Prophet Elijah in protecting the Church. You founded the Religious Congregations for men and women for the renewal of the Church and for the personal sanctification of the individuals. You strengthened the sacramental life of the people and deepened the faith of the Christian families through your untiring efforts. You imparted the clergy a great desire for wisdom and sanctity. Above all, your services were offered as a constant act of worship to the Almighty God. You practised the Gospel values heroically and have become an ever-glowing model for our personal sanctification. O Blessed Father, grant us the help that we may also follow the footsteps of Jesus radically and more closely like you. Intercede for us before God always and grant all the favours we are placing before you. Amen.

Lord, have mercy on us: Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us: Christ, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us: Christ graciously hear us
God, heavenly Father: Have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world: Have mercy on us
God, the Holy Spirit: Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity one God: Have mercy on us
Holy Mary, Mother of God: Pray for us
Mother, the beauty of Carmel: Pray for us
St. Thomas, the Apostle of India: Pray for us
Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara: Pray for us
Beloved vessel of the Holy Trinity: Pray for us
Beloved abode of the Holy Spirit: Pray for us
Ardent devotee of the Holy Eucharist: Pray for us
Great devotee of the Holy Family: Pray for us
Beloved son of the Mother Carmel: Pray for us
Holy soul, acclaimed by the Holy Father for the zeal in defending the faith: Pray for us
A true pastor and a true missionary: Pray for us
Champion of education: Pray for us
Protector of the poor and the needy: Pray for us
Noble example of obedience: Pray for us
Good model of humility and mortification: Pray for us
Holy religious outstanding in charity and love of the enemy: Pray for us
Holy religious, refuge of the abandoned and persecuted: Pray for us
Holy priest, ideal director of souls: Pray for us
Holy religious, chosen to renew the Church: Pray for us
Father of the Indian Carmelite Community: Pray for us
Model for the preachers: Pray for us
Model for genuine spirituality: Pray for us
Model of dignity and goodness: Pray for us
Instrument of peace and unity: Pray for us
Vessel of wisdom and creativity: Pray for us
Patron of formators and teachers: Pray for us
Model for true adoration and liturgical life: Pray for us
An abode of love of God and love for the neighbours: Pray for us

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: Hear our Prayer
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: Forgive our sins
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us

Prayer: Almighty God, you adorned our Father Blessed Kuriakose Elias Chavara with noble virtues. Grant us, his children, the blessing to live like him, a holy life, to serve you faithfully, and to enjoy with him eternal life in the world to come and praise you unceasingly. Lord of all, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen

10. Song: Carmelaram ki sunhara phool

11. Personal sharing about Bl. Chavara


A) Let us pray with joy and hope: Lord hear our prayer
Lord hear our prayer
B) Lord we pray to bless us to live in the faithfulness to God, like our holy father Kuriakose Elias Chavara, who lived from childhood with an extraordinary purity of heart and died without ever losing the baptismal innocence:
Lord hear our prayer
C) Lord we pray to bless us that we may grow in the love of God and in the spirit of prayer, like our father who through ardent prayer and contemplation rose to the lofty heights of spirituality and spread all around the fragrance of holiness:
Lord hear our prayer
D) We pray for the grace that we may grow deeply rooted in the faith, like Blessed Chavara who was outstanding in the faith and in the devotion to the Eucharistic Lord:
Lord hear our prayer
E) We pray you Lord to bless us to walk in the path of holiness and attain the eternal reward, like Blessed Chavara who practised true piety and promoted devotion to the Holy Family that we may grow in the Christian attitudes:
Lord hear our prayer
F) Lord, we pray to enable us to follow the path of love in serving others and give the spirit of love for God in our families, in imitation of Blessed Chavara who pardoned his enemies and became a great model of the forgiving love of Jesus:
Lord hear our prayer
G) We pray Lord, to make all our efforts to promote the growth of the Church, like our holy father Chavara who tirelessly worked for the glory of the Church- Christ’s mystical Body:
Lord hear our prayer
H) We pray you O Lord, to bless us to remain steadfast in the faith even in the difficult circumstances of our daily life, like our father Chavara who saved the Church’s children from the schisms that stormed the Church:
Lord hear our prayer
I) Lord Jesus, you blessed Father Chavara to live as a holy religious upholding the vow of obedience as his life’s ideal. Grant that the spirit of obedience may flourish in our communities. Lord you empowered Blessed Chavara to work throughout his life in your vineyard as a faithful servant, by the intercession of Blessed Chavara make all our mission activities fruitful:
Lord hear our prayer
Prayer: O merciful Lord, you were pleased with the holy life of Blessed Chavara who through the spirit of continuous prayer shone like a lamp and spread everywhere the glowing rays of holiness. You deigned to raise him up like a lamp placed on a lamp stand giving light to the whole Indian Church. Grant us, who take refuge in his intercession, through your mercy, to grow in your love by imitating Father Chavara. Lord of all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen

13. The divine inspirations from Blessed Chavara

A) The strength of any Monastery is not the thickness of its walls, but the mutual love of the members staying inside.
B) There is no such man who never mistakes; and there is no such mistake which God doesn’t forgive.
C) If you will not forgive yourself how will someone else forgive you?
D) Don’t betray the truth of your heart with your tongue.
E) Laziness is the mother of all evils.
F) The day in which you did not do any good for others, that day will not be counted in your life.
G) The tiny yellow flame of an oil lamp is far better than the momentary fire from chaff.
H) Your children are the invaluable gifts from God entrusted to your care.
I) Will of God is my sole pleasure and the Lord is my portion.
J) Envy and fights overpower the light of every Christian Family.
K) If one takes care of the three-forth of matters, God will see to the fourth portion.

Chavarul - Savings of Bl. Chavara to the Children

Bl. Kuriakose Elias Chavara the pioneer of education, tried    todo away with the caste distinction in Kerala and make it possible for all the children irrespective of caste creed to sit together and study. He first used the Pallikkoodam in Malayalam Language.

Children, you are God's investment in the hands of your parents.
The Children who have love of God and fear of God will love and respect their parents.
Trust your mother, God will hear the mother's request like the baby's request.
Wisdom and purity should be spiritual food like food for natural growth.
Go to school regularly and recall to mind what is taught during the week.
Laziness fosters evil habits.
Let your friends be those who love God.
Good friends will make you good.
Keeping of bad books is like hiding fire in straw.
Regular reading of good books and meditating on it, will illumine the mind.
Attain punctuality by means of a regular time-table.
You angels will be turned to devils, if you fall into evil situation.
You aught to reach home before evening and take part in the evening prayers.
Your attire and sanctity ought to be according to your age.
Immoderate attire will only lead you to evil.
Let your ability be in piety regulating your life and controlling your senses.
You ought to love truth and justice.
What you earn by deceit and theft will melt like snow.
Your profession must be according to your knowledge and age.
Let there be no day in your life in which you did no good to others.
Let not the insult and quarrels of others be a cause of hatred and enmity.
Do not insult or trouble the poor.
God decides your vocation and you choose it.
When you choose your partner in life, choose one who has a good character and good manners.
Even if you are grown in age and maturity you have to accept your parents and submit to them.
Do not hate your own brethren.
It is the duty of children to look after their parents.
Do not be the cause of your parents shedding tears on account of you.
The humble man is the greatest among men.
Since you belong to God, you should be given back to God.

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